
Recent News at Yale.

A series of football games between the four academic classes and the law, divinity and medical departments has been instituted this fall, in competition for cups given by the Yale Club of Boston. In the two games already played during the past week the juniors defeated the seniors by the score of 6 to 0, and the freshmen were beaten by the sophomores, the score being 10 to 6.

The French Club has been holding daily rehearsals in preparation for the play to be presented in New Haven on "Wednesday, December 3. The title of the production is "Les Vivacites du Capitaine Tic," by Eugene Labiche.

Thirty-four men responded to the call for candidates for the university hockey team. Practice in lifting and shooting the puck will be begun this week and the heavier work is to be taken up shortly after Christmas.

Two lectures have been arranged for the winter term, to be delivered by Mr. Sidney Lee, editor-in-chief of the Dictionary of National Biography, and one of the greatest living authorities on Shakespeare. The first lecture will be given on February 21, the subject being "National Biography," and the second on February 28, on "Shakespeare's Philosophy."

The football outlook for next year is unusually bright, judging from the material which will be available at the beginning of the season of 1903, as only three of, the eleven regular men on this year's university team will be lost by graduation, namely, Captain G. B. Chadwick,. left halfback; H. C. Holt, center, and G. A. Goss, right guard. In all, twenty-six men who have played on the university or scrub teams this fall will be in college and eligible for 1903, exclusive of this year's freshman eleven, which contained some promising material.
