
1905 Basketball Champions.

In the final game of the interclass basketball series last night, the Sophomores defeated the Juniors by a score of 18 to 6. The game was remarkably fast, both teams playing well together. The Sophomores won through superior passing and shooting, and brilliant goals were made. For the Juniors K. K. Smith and Bennett played well, and for the Sophomores the playing of Henderson and Snyder was especially good. The winning team is entitled to basketball numerals and will also be given the cups offered for the class championship the line-up was as follows: 1904.  1905. K. K. Smith, r.f.  r.f., Dapping Bennett, l.f.  l.f., Henderson Fisher, c.  c., Snyder Bourne, r.g.  r.g., Harrison Hill, l.g.  l.g., T. H. Smith

time-two twenty minute halves.

Referee-Mouten. Umpire-Hanavan. Time-Two 20 minute halves. Goals-K. K. Smith, Fisher 2, Dapping 3, Henderson 2, Snyder, T. H. Smith 3. Score-18 to 6.
