The University Catalogue, which has been issued, shows, as the accompanying figures illustrate, a gain in the enrolment this year over last year of 165 in the Department of Arts and Sciences, and of 95 in the total number of instructors and students connected with the University. The decrease in the Medical School enrolment is due to the new rule requiring that all candidates for admission be holders of an A.B. degree.
Under the heading, "Museums," two changes of interest occur. Special mention is made for the first time of the Geological Museum, which is to be opened in the recently completed south-eastern wing of the University Museum when the exhibition rooms are fully arranged. Considerable space is also given to the new Germanic Museum, temporarily installed installed in the Rogers Building.
In the general statement regarding the Medical School, reference is made to the changes in curriculum adopted in 1902, by which the work of the first three years becomes entirely prescribed, and that of the fourth year entirely elective. The new system will begin in the fall of 1905.
The Catalogue contains as usual the calendar for the year, and complete information on the departments of the University and their curriculum, on the fellowships and scholarships offered, and a statement of the prizes, honors and degrees awarded during the past year. It contains also a directory of officers and students. The price for the Catalogue, in cloth binding, is 50 cents.
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University Calendar.