1901-02. RECEIPTS MERCHANDISE SALES. EXPENDITURES. Men's Furnishings, $43,618.29 Merchandise, $212,086.82 Books, 69,630.22 Salaries, 21,574.98 Stationery, 41,120.29 Rent, 3,305.62 Tailoring, 28,105.36 Taxes, 608.23 Furniture, 15,415.43 Advertising, 477.98 Coal and Wood, 14,599.24 Express and Carting, 1,893.33 Medical Branch, 47,326.38 Other Expenses, 5,972.02 Membership Fees, 2,673.00 Dividend, $10,956.15 Capital, 5,613.08 16,569.23 $264,488.21 $262,488.21 ASSETS. LIABILITIES. 1900-01. 1901-02. 1900-01. 1901-02. Merchandise, $39,138.07 $40,919.01 Capital, $32,374.75 $36,493.24 Fixtures, 2,435.50 2,715.92 Sinking Fund 54.86 158.78 Cash, 6,493.10 10,449.76 Profit and Loss, 13,211.04 16,569.23 Accounts receivable, 12,466.70 14,913.23 Accounts payable, 14,892.72 15,776.67 $60,533.37 $68,997.92 $60,533.37 $68,997.92 1900-01 1901-02 Stock depreciated, $1,443.82 $1,113.05 Taxes, 544.34 608.23 Rent, 2,634.54 3,305.62 Membership up to December 7, 1900-01. Corresponding, 1901-02. Cambridge, 2174 2322 Medical, 361 423 2535 2745 Sales up to December 7, 1900-01 Corresponding, 1901-02. Cambridge, $100,937.78 $106,478.50 Medical, 18,208.57 26,975.01 $119,146.35 $133,453.51 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF SALES BY DEPARTMENTS. 1897-98. 1898-99. 1899-00. 1900-01. 1901-02. Men's Furnishings, $21,769.17 $21,217.55 $32,407.54 $37,966.40 $43,618.29 Books, 56,876.97 59,773.48 64,088.97 71,132.78 69,630.22 Stationery, 22,565.54 25,337.81 32,151.76 40,088.77 41,120.29 Tailoring, 5,191.64 5,828.99 9,729.53 21,069.51 28,105.36 Coal and Wood, 13,907.51 13,320.31 12,788.59 14,814.19 14,599.24 Furniture, 4,303.21 3,680.94 9,344.83 13,332.49 15,415.43 Medical Branch, 35,916.13 39,290.08 43,468.49 44,946.72 47,326.38 Shoe Mending, 2,016.20 2,028.20 2.477.85 2,986.63 $162,536.37 $170,477.36 $206,457.56 $246,337.49 $259,815.21 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF EXPENSES. 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-00 1900-01 1901-02 $17,818.62 $19,193.10 $21,483.77 $25,893.77 $30,530.55 $33,832.16 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF AMOUNT ADDED TO CAPITAL. $1,759.60 $2,000.03 $1,510.30 $3,903.23 $4,118.49 $5,613.08 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF DIVIDENDS. $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,894.36 $8,692.55 $10,956.15 RATE OF DIVIDENDS ON PURCHASES ON WHICH DIVIDENDS WERE PAID. 7.5 4.9 6.9 7 7 8 Cost of merchandise, in terms of percentage of total sales. Running expenses, in terms of percentage of total sales. Profit**, in terms of percentage of total sales. % % % 1901-02 81.6 13.0 5.4 1900-01 83.5 12.4 4.1 1899-00 83.9 12.5 3.6 1898-99 84.4 12.6 3.0 1897-98 84.9 12.1 3.0 1896-97 85.3 11.8 2.9 Change in period from 1896-97 to 1901-02 3.7 1.2 2.5
**The receipts from membership fees are not included in this table, which presents the results of the trading operations of the Society.