
Commencement Changes Satisfactory


To the Editors of the Crimson:

In view of recent editorials on the subject of Commencement changes, permit me to call attention to a singular error made in a communication on the subject and overlooked in the editorials in question. The communication referred to found two objections to the plan suggested by the Committee of Alumni. The more important of these was based on the fact that the Committee's plan provided for a baseball game with Yale on the Tuesday prior to Commencement, and on that day, Commencement Day at Yale, our ball team was expected to play at New Haven. As a matter of fact, this would involve no conflict at all, as the Committee's plan calls for the holding of Commencement one week earlier than has been customary. Therefore the Yale game in Cambridge would come one week ahead of the game in New Haven, or two days sooner than it does under the present arrangement. This, I think, disposes of the chief prop on which the communication rested. There remains the conflict of the boat race and Phi Beta Kappa Day. That problem is still unsettled, and if enough Phi Beta Kappa men object to the conflict, the boat race might be put off till Friday. This would still gather all the Class Day and Commencement functions within less than a week.

In conclusion let me emphasize two strong points in favor of the Committee's plan. First, all the events are gathered within a reasonably small number of days. It will be convenient for Class Day guests to remain for the boat race. That occasion is bound to benefit by the change. The race already suffers under the disadvantage of being held at a distance. The plan suggested in the communication means if anything a smaller attendance at the race. The Committee's plan means a larger attendance.

Secondly, by having the ball game come on the day after Class Day, as the Committee suggests, Class Day will never again be clouded by the thoughts of a defeat the day before. In the light of the last few years' experience, this consideration is not to be ignored. L. H. CASTLE 1L.
