

Senior Class to Vote Monday on Alumni Committee's Plan

At the Class Day election on Monday a vote will be taken on the plan for Commencement changes proposed by the Alumni Committee. The vote will be "yes" or "no," indicating approval or disapproval.

The full report of the Committee follows:

"In compliance with the instructions of the [Alumni] Association they [the Committee] have conferred with the President and Fellows of the College and with the Executive Committee of the Association, and, through a sub-committee appointed by them, have attempted to obtain an expression of opinion from the Alumni individually with reference to the matter submitted to this Committee. Letters in reply have been received from nearly two thousand Alumni, and half of these replies are from graduates of years earlier than 1890. The replies indicate much interest in the subject.

"The recommendations of this Committee which immediately follow chiefly relate to the compression of the events of the Commencement season into one week.

"Upon this point it appears from the replies received from the Alumni,


(a) That practically no one is satisfied with the present arrangement.

(b) That over ninety-nine per cent. of those replying were in favor of the compression of the events into one week.

(c) That over ninety-five per cent commended the arrangement of days suggested, those differing being members of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, who desire that their day shall not conflict with the boat race, as it does at present.

"The Committee also report that they understand that the President and Fellows approve the recommendations which your Committee now present.

"Aided, therefore, by the suggestions which they have received from the different sources to which they have referred, your Committee unanimously make the following recommendations as to Commencement week:

"They recommend that hereafter Commencement week take place one week earlier than this year.

"They recommend the following arrangement of events for the week:

Sunday. Baccalaureate Sermon.

Monday. Class Day for Seniors.

Tuesday. Field Day. Ball game in afternoon. Senior dance in evening. Graduate Class Dinners.

Wednesday. Commencement.

Thursday. Phi Beta Kappa Day; Boat Race.

"As this arrangement of events will involve many changes of detail, and will suggest others with which your Committee have not felt called upon to deal, they recommend that their general plan be adopted and that matters of detail be referred to the Executive Committee of the Alumni, so far as it is in the power of the Alumni to deal with them, or to such other body representing the Alumni as the Association may select.

"It is perhaps unnecessary to add that the recommendations have no application to the present year in any particular, and that whatever changes may be introduced into the Commencement season of this year are under the direction of others than this Committee." SOLOMON LINCOLN,   for the Committee.
