

Graduates' Night of the Cercle Francais Play in Brattle Hall at 8.30.

The Graduates' Night performance of the sixteenth annual Cercle Francais play will be given in Brattle Hall at 8.30 o'clock this evening. Tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock the first public performance will be given at the same place. On Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock a matinee performance will be given at the Rijou Theatre in Boston, to be followed by the regular Boston performance on Monday evening, December 15, at 8 o'clock.

The play is a comedy of Corneille in five acts entitled "Le Menteur," and is written in Alexandrine verse. The Banjo Club will play at tonight's performance. No hallet will be given this year owing to the length of the play. The cast is as follows: Geronte, pere de Dorante,  A. C. Champollion '03. Dorante, le Menteur, F. B. Thompson 1L. Alcippe, ami de Dorante,  W. D. Haviland '03. Philiste, ami d'Alcippe, J. V. Blanchet '05. Clarice, maitressed' Alcippe,  E. C. Edson '04. Lucrece, amie de Clarice, G. Jones '05. Isabelle, suivante,  H. D. Brandyce '04. Sabine, femme de chambre,  P. G. Henderson '05. Cliton, valet de Dorante,  K. H. Gibson '04. Lycas, valet,  A. Wellman '05. Dames de cour,  D. Wagstaff '05.   A. H. Schefer '03.   D. Davis '05. Cavaliers,  H. S. Hutchinson '04.   G. A. Bramwell '04.   W. C. Clark '03.
