
Interclass Fencing Tonight.

The preliminary bouts for the interclass fencing championship will be held tonight at 7.30 o'clock on the floor of the Gymnasium. 1903 will fence 1904, and 1905 will fence 1906. H. W. Holmes will take J. Bryant's place on the Senior team, as the latter was injured by a broken foil on Monday afternoon.

The following class captains have been elected: 1903, H. Saint Gaudens; 1904, F. P. Woodbury; 1905, W. MacLeod; 1906, J. R. Nichols; Law School, H. J. Elam 3L. The teams tonight will fence in the following orders:

1903--T. D. Roberts, H. Saint Gaudens, H. W. Holmes.

1904--F. P. Woodbury, A. Tyng, G. Dolley.

1905--W. MacLeod, H. A. Hirsh, S. Sargent.


1906--R. Merrill, J. R. Nichols, A. K. Miller.
