
The Harvard Players.

Robert Peebles Kernan '03, captain and left halfback, prepared at the Brooklyn Polytechnic School, where he played three years on the football team at halfback and was also on the baseball nine. He was on his Freshman team and has played two years as regular halfback on the University eleven. He has also been a member of the University baseball team for three years and during the last two years has been on the University track team. He weighs 172 pounds, is 6 feet tall and 21 years of age.

Edward Bowditch '03, right end, prepared at Groton. He played end on his Freshman eleven, and as substitute end on the University eleven in his Sophomore year played in both the Yale and Pennsylvania games. Last year he was regular right end on the University team. He is 21 years old, weighs 173 pounds, and is 6 feet tall.

Daniel Waldo Knowlton '03, right tackle, was prepared at Pomfret, where he played halfback on the football team and first base on the base ball team for two years. He was tackle on his Freshman eleven, and substitute tackle on the University eleven in his Sophomore year. He is 6 feet 1 inch in height, weighs 200 pounds, and is 21 years old.

Charles Arthur Barnard 2L., right guard, prepared at the Central High School in Washington. He entered Harvard with the class of 1902, played substitute guard on his Freshman team, substitute guard on the University eleven in his Sophomore year, and is now in his third season as regular guard on the team. He is 22 years of age, weighs 200 pounds, and is 6 feet 2 1-2 inches tall.

Emmett Orlando King 2L., centre, is a graduate of the University of Indiana, where he played right guard for three years. He played centre on the second eleven last year. His age is 27 years, weight 230 pounds, and height 5 feet 8 1-2 inches.


Andrew Marshall 2L., left guard, came to Harvard from Dartmouth, where he graduated in 1901, after playing one year in the position of right guard. The one year residence rule prevented him from presenting himself as a candidate for the University eleven until this year. He is 6 feet 4 inches in height, weighs 212 pounds, and is 23 years old.

Charles Andrew Shea '04, left tackle, was prepared at Hopkinson's School. While there he played guard on the football team and first base and pitcher on the baseball nine. He was right guard on his Freshman eleven and substitute on the University team last year. His weight is 200 pounds, height 6 feet 2 inches, and age 22 years.

John Dudley Clark '03, left end, prepared at Hopkinson's School. For two years he was catcher on the baseball team and played end on the football team. He was end on his Freshman eleven, catcher on his Freshman baseball nine, and has been a substitute catcher and first base on the University nine. In his Sophomore year he played in the Yale game and was substitute end last year. He weighs 165 pounds, is 6 feet in height and is 21 years old.

Carl Bertrand Marshall '04, quarterback, prepared at Brookline High School, where he played halfback and quarterback. He played quarterback on his Freshman eleven and occupied the same position on the University eleven last year. He is 20 years old, 160 pounds in weight, and 5 feet 8 1-2 inches in height.

Eliot Thwing Putnam 2G., right halfback, prepared at the Roxbury Latin School, where he played two years on the baseball team and one year on the football eleven. He was substitute quarterback on his Freshman team, and played on the second eleven in his Sophomore and Junior years. In his Senior year he was a substitute on the University team and played last year in the Pennsylvania game. He is 23 years old, weighs 165 pounds, and is 5 feet 11 inches tall.

Thomas Hetherington Graydon '03, fullback, prepared at St. Paul's, Concord, where he played tackle and fullback for two years. He also rowed on the school crew. On his Freshman eleven he played tackle and in his Sophomore year was substitute tackle on the University eleven playing in the Yale game. Last year he was regular fullback on the eleven. He is 21 years old, weighs 182 pounds, and is 6 feet 1 1-2 inches tall.

Cushing Frederic Wright '03, left tackle, was prepared at Phillips Exeter Academy, where he played on the football team. He was a substitute guard on his Freshman team, and played on the second eleven in his Sophomore year. He was substitute tackle on the University eleven last year. He weighs 190 pounds, is 6 feet in height, and 23 years old.

John Tazewell Jones '04, left end, prepared at Phillips Exeter Academy, where he played tackle on the football team for four years. He played tackle on his Freshman team and was substitute tackle on last year's eleven. This is his first year in the position of end. He is 26 years old, weighs 180 pounds, and is 5 feet 11 inches tall.

Leo Jameson Daly '03, substitute quarterback, prepared at Roxbury Latin School and played on the baseball nine there. He was quarterback on his Freshman football team and has been on the University squad for the last two years. His height is 5 feet 9 inches, age 22, and weight 158 pounds.

William Clarence Matthews '05, substitute end, prepared at Phillips Andover Academy. While there he played end on the football team and shortstop on the baseball team for four years. For two years he was on the track team. He played second base on the Freshman baseball team and also on the University nine in the Yale game. This is his second year as substitute end on the University football team. His age is 25, he is 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 154 pounds.

Phillip Overton Mills '05, substitute tackle, prepared at St. Paul's School, where he played tackle on the team for two years. Last year he was tackle on his Freshman team and rowed on the Freshman crew. He is 20 years of age, weighs 185 pounds and is 6 feet tall.

William Scollay whit well '03, substitute guard, prepared at St. Mark's, where he was guard on the football eleven. He rowed on his class crew and has been a substitute guard on the University eleven for two years. His height is 6 feet 3 1-2 inches, he weighs 200 pounds and is 20 years old.

James Atwood Burgess '04, substitute end, prepared at Exeter and played end on the school eleven. He was end and captain on his Freshman eleven and has been a substitute on the University team for two years. His weight is 169 pounds, he is 21 years of age and 5 feet 9 1-2 inches in height.

Daniel Joseph Hurley '05, right halfback, prepared at the Boston Latin School where he played on the football team and also rowed on the school crew. He played right halfback on his Freshman team last year. His height is 178 pounds is feet 9 inches he is 20 years of age and weighs 160 pounds.

Alfred Stillman '03, halfback, prepared at Hopkinson's School, where he played two years at tackle and halfback on the football team. He has pitched on the University baseball nine for three years. In his Freshman year he played on his class football team, and was substitute halfback in his Sophomore year on the University eleven. He weighs 178 pounds is 6 feet tall and 21 years of age.

Theodore Gerard Meier, 2d, '04, substitute fullback, prepared at Stone's School where he played for two years on the football team. He was fullback on his Freshman team and rowed on his Freshman crew. This is his second year as substitute back on the University eleven. He is 20 years old, 6 feet tall and weighs 180 pounds.
