The University lacrosse team will play a game with a picked team of graduates on November 12.
The management of the Senior football team has made arrangements for a training table at the University Cafe.
The match between the gun club and the New England Kennel Club which was to have been shot today at Brockton has been canceled and an open shoot will be held this afternoon on Soldiers Field.
The year-book of the Social Service Committee will be completed today. It will be the same size as that of last year and will contain the names of the various committees and a description of the several branches of philanthropy. It will also contain cuts of Brooks House, Harvard House, interior of "T" Wharf, Riverside Alliance and the Prospect Union.
The first-year class at the Medical School have elected the following officers for the ensuing year: president, C. Frothingham '02; secretary, J. B. Manning '03; executive committee, the two officers, ex officio, and E. H. Risley (Yale '02), W. J. Mixter (M. I. T. '02), and J. M. Birnie (Williams '02).
Mr. G. F. Peabody, of New York, has given the University the sum of $5,000 to be expended on shrubbery within the College Yard and especially along the line of the new fence so far as already constructed. The gift is unique, and is calculated very materially to improve the appearance of the Yard. The work on this improvement will be commenced as soon as the weather permits next spring.
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