The following articles by Harvard graduates have appeared in the November magazines:
Atlantic Monthly--"The New Ethics," by W. DeW. Hyde '79; "A Possible Glimpse of Samuel Johnson," by William Everett '59; "Old Times at the Law School," by S. F. Batchelder '93; "Australasian Cures for Coal Wars," by H. D. Lloyd '99.
Argosy and Junior Munsey--"The One Who Was Guilty," Part VI, by W. A. Foster '98L.
Bookman--"Emile Zola's Paris," by F. T. Cooper '86.
Century -- "The Grand Canon of the Colorado," by John Muir h.'96; "The Echo Hunt," by D. Gray '92.
Cosmopolitan--"John Milton," by John Fiske '63.
Current Literature -- "The Literary Work of Emile Zola," by W. F. Apthorp '69.
Everybody's -- "Requiescat," by F. L. Waldo '98; "Work with the Hands," by Booker T. Washington h.'96.
Frank Leslie's -- "The Mill," by Rev. Henry van Dyke h.'94; "On the Acting of Richard Mansfield," by William Winter '57L.; "The Autobiography of a Thief," by H. Hapgood '92.
Harper's--"Evolution and the Present Age," by John Fiske '63; "Sunt Lacrimae Rerum." by J. W. Chadwick '64Dv. "Editor's Easy Chair," by W. D. Howells h.'67.
Harper's Bazar -- "What Should Girls Read," by W. D. Howells h.'67.
Munsey -- "The Sport of Kings in America," by J. F. Marsten '98.
North American Review -- Emile Zola," by W. D. Howells h.'67; "Tendencies of American Legislation," by S. J. Barrows '75Dv.
Outing--"Making a Football Team," by W. H. Lewis '95L.
Outlook--"The New American Navy: The Birth of the New Navy," by J. D. Long '57; "Tschaikowsky and His Music," by D. G. Mason '95.
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