

Five Crews Row Downstream, Starting at 3.30 o'clock.

The annual fall race between the graded crews of the Weld and Newell Boat Clubs will take place this afternoon at half past three over the regular mile and seven-eighths course, starting at the Longwood bridge and finishing at the Union Boat Club. Crews must report at their respective boat-houses at 3 o'clock. Any crew which fails to be on the starting-line at the appointed time will not be allowed to row.

F. L. Higginson, Jr., '00, will act as referee, and E. C. Storrow '89 and Mr. C. E. Courtney will be the timers. The judges at the finish have not yet been chosen.

Five crews will row, three from the Newell and two from the Weld. The drawings for positions in the race, beginning at the Beacon street wall, are as follows: First Newell, second Newell, second Weld, third Newell, first Weld.

The orders in which the crews will row are as follows:

First Weld Graded--Stroke, Wolcott; 7, Hartwell; 6, Brooks; 5, George; 4, Greenough; 3, Abbott; 2, Sanger; bow, Dillingham; cox., Chase.


Second Weld Graded -- Stroke, Richmond; 7, Lindsley; 6, McLeod; 5, Abbott; 4, Hanford; 3, Derby; 2, de Rham; bow, Johnson; cox., Whitney.

First Newell Graded -- Stroke, Brigham; 7, R. D. Swaim; 6, Foster; 5, Haycock; 4, L. Swaim; 3, Locke; 2, Phillips; bow, James; cox., Green.

Second Newell Graded--Stroke, Webster; 7, Peabody; 6, Lamson; 5, Pierce; 4, Palmer; 3, Stockton; 2, Durfee; bow, Hull; cox., Chapin.

Third Newell Graded -- Stroke, Stevens; 7, Bard; 6, James; 5, White; 4, Perkins; 3, Otis; 2, Coleman; bow, Bryant; cox., Lewis.

The races between the Freshman crews of both clubs will take place on Thursday. At four o'clock the third crews of both clubs will race over the mile course, beginning at the Longwood bridge and ending at the Harvard bridge. At 4.15 o'clock the first and second crews of both clubs will row over the regular mile and seven-eighths course. All men who are rowing in the Freshman crews must take the strength test today or tomorrow.
