At a meeting of the Senior class, on Wednesday, the following officers were re-elected: President, R. Derby; vice-president, J. D. Clark; secretary, G. W. South.
In regard to the election of Class Day officers it was voted:
"There shall be a committee of ten men appointed by the president of the class, to make nominations for the various Class Day offices and committees. They shall nominate not more than four men for the three marshalships, not more than five men for every committee of three, and not more than two men for each of the single offices. A petition signed by fifty men will constitute any further nomination, but no man may sign two petitions for the same office.
"This committee shall also draw up a plan similar to that of last year, for running the election."
These men have been appointed to compose the election committee: M. T. Lightner, A. Black, A. Ames, H. W. Holmes, W. C. Clark, D. P. Penhallow, A. J. Hammerslough, S. Blaikie, W. S. Sugden, L. Warner.
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