
Co-operative Vote Today

Members of the Society are reminded of the vote today on the plan of incorporation proposed by Professor Ames and his committee. The vote will be taken at the store in Dane Hall by Australian ballot between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. Members of the Medical branch will vote at the Medical School during the same hours. It is important that the vote should be as large as possible. The result will be canvassed at the store in Dane Hall as soon as the polls have closed.

The vote will be "yes" or "no" on the proposed plan and in addition, the members will be entitled to express their preference for members of the initial board of stockholders under the new plan. Each stockholder must be a member of the Corporation of Harvard College, the Board of Overseers, or some one of the Faculties of the University. The following have been suggested by the committee and their selection approved at the special meeting of the Society held November 7: Major Henry L. Higginson, Fellow of Harvard College; Professor Le Baron R. Briggs, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences: Professor Samuel Williston of the Law Faculty; Professor Harold C. Ernst, of the Medical Faculty: Professor Wallace C. Sabine, of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. All of the above named gentlemen have expressed their willingness to serve if elected.
