
1905 and 1906 Debaters Chosen.

The final trials to select the teams for the Sophomores-Freshman debate on December 12 were held last evening and resulted in the selection of the following teams: 1905--W. O. Hubbard, G. G. Smith, I. I. Mattuck. 1906--H. A. Hirshberg, J. W. Plaisted, A. E. Wood, alternate--W. W. Corlett.

The men who were retained from the trials last Monday were divided into teams which supported opposite sides of the question to be debated on December 12: "Resolved, That the attitude of the United States as defined by the Monroe doctrine with regard to the territory in the Western Hemisphere should be continued." Each man was allowed to speak eight minutes and the three best speakers of each class, irrespective of their sides, were chosen as the class teams.

The judges of the trials were: Sophomore trials--R. Walsworth 1L., P. B. Fischer 2L., W. L. Wemple '3L. Freshman trials--G. M. G. Nichols 3L., and H. B. Kirtland 3L.

The Freshmen have decided to support the negative side of the question submitted by the Sophomores for the debate on December 12.
