
Performance of Morality Play.


To the Editors of the Crimson:

May I, through your columns, call the attention of the College to the performances of the morality, "Everyman" which are to be given at Steinert Hall every af- ternoon and evening of next week? This is the first time, in this country, that the general public have been given a chance to see what one of the chief forms of the English drama in the fifteenth century was like. Nor is the opportunity likely to recur for a long time. The play selected shows better than any other extant the development of tragedy in the moral play, and is powerful and moving. For over a year, the Elizabethan Stage Society, members of which will produce "Everyman" in Boston, have been successfully giving the piece at frequent intervals in and about London. Indeed, its production was in some ways the dramatic event of the past London season. The performance of the morality constantly shows signs that careful thought has been given to the minutest details, and, as a whole, it is as completely artistic as any performance one is likely to see. The acting of Miss Wynne-Mathieson as Everyman is, too, so good that it would carry the play, had it not many other claims to the attention and the favor of all lovers of the drama or of our early literature.

So great has been my own pleasure in the performance, and so great the pleasure in it expressed to me by many different kinds of people that, with some hesitation, I venture to call the attention of the University to it, lest, because it may not have been sufficiently advertised in Cambridge, the unique and pleasurable opportunity be missed by many students and members of the Faculty. Had the public performances in Boston not been arranged, I should have urged the Department of English to add a presentation of the morality by this company to the revivals already given in Sanders Theatre.  Truly yours,  GEO. P. BAKER
