
Chess Club Schedule

In the Metropolitan Chess League tournament, the Chess Club will play two matches with each of the seven other clubs. The schedule for the rest of the season is as follows:

November 17. Somerville Y. M. C. A.

November 25. Union Chess Club.

December 3. Somerville Y. M. C. A.

December 8. Boston Athletic Association.


December 15. Dorchester Chess Club.

December 17. Union Chess Club.

January 8. Lynn Chess and Checker Club.

January 12. Boston Chess Club.

January 21. Press Club.

February 26. Boston Athletic Association.

March 3. Lynn Chess and Checker Club.

March 9. Boston Chess Club.

March 18. Press Club.

There will be no home matches. The matches with the Union Chess Club, Boston Athletic Association, Boston Chess Club, and Press Club, will be held at the rooms of these clubs, and the matches with the out-of-town clubs will also be played at the rooms of the four Boston clubs.

The club has elected the following officers: President, P. S. Estes '04; vice-president, A. C. White 1G.; secretary G. E. Hyde '04; treasurer, W. S. Hutchinson 2G.; fifth member of executive committee, C. T. Rice 2G. Mr. John F. Barry of Boston, will give a series of talks on chess, and will coach the team.
