
Fact and Rumor.

The mineralogical and geological departments at Yale are soon to erect a new building, which will be called Kirkland Hall.

The new dormitory which is building on Mt. Auburn street nearly opposite Craigie Hall has been named Eliot Hall. It will be completed and ready for occupancy about April.

The following men have been appointed leaders and managers of the Social Service Committee troupes: H. P. Pratt '05, A. W. Belcher '04, F. B. Ely '05, J. W. J. Marion, '04, F. D. McEnteer '05.

The Teachers' Club of the Prospect Union will publish, about the end of this week, a descriptive announcement of the courses given at the Union, which is to be circulated among the workingmen of Cambridgeport with the view of increasing the membership of the classes.
