
Class Debate Trials

The following men were chosen from the Senior class last night for the debating teams: First team-R. Ernst, J. J. Mahoney, A. J. Hammerslough. Second team-A. King, A. J. Carlton, M. Hale.

The following are the Junior teams: First team-D. A. McCabe, T. Lippincott, F. W. Catlett. Second team-M. F. Perkins, A. Locke, W. Badt.

Six men have been retained from the Sophomore class for the second trial on Thursday. They will conduct a regular debate, and have been divided as follows: Affirmative-R. P. Dietzman, T. T. Mattuck, F. E. Neagle; negative-J. T. Dore, W. O. Hubbard, G. G. Smith.

The following men have been retained for the second trial from the Freshman class and will speak on the following sides: Affirmative-G. W. Thayer, W. W. Corlett, A. E. Wood; negative-J. W. Plaisted, H. A. Hirshberg, H. A. Bellows.

At both the trials on Thursday the subject for the debates will be: "Resolved, That the attitude of the United States as defined by the Monroe Doctrine with regard to territory in the western hemisphere should be continued."
