

1903 Wins the First Game in Interclass Football Series.

The Seniors defeated the Juniors in the first game of the class football championship series yesterday afternoon by the score of 6 to 0. The Seniors, although somewhat lighter than the Juniors, played a very aggressive game and made substantial gains by end runs and trick plays. Aside from superiority in this style of play, their advantage was very slight. The touchdown was made after a quarterback kick from the thirty yard line, and two line plunges by Locke.

The Juniors kicked off to the Seniors on the 20 yard line, and as the Seniors were unable to gain. Pier punted to the Seniors' 45 yard line. The Seniors were gradually forced down the field, but held for downs on their 8 yard line. An exchange of punts and two clever delayed pass plays by Percival and Story brought the ball to the Juniors' 10 yard line. The Seniors forced the ball by line plunges to the 2 yard line, but on a fumble lost a good chance to score. The first half ended with the ball on the Juniors' 10 yard line.

In the second half, Pier kicked off to Carpenter on the Juniors' 25 yard line. By an off-side play, 1902 received the ball on the Juniors' 45 yard line. Locke gained 25 yards around right end, and then on a well executed quarterback kick, Percival caught the ball on the Juniors' 5 yard line. In two line plunges Locke carried the ball over for a touchdown. Pier kicked the goal. The game ended with the ball on the Seniors' 25 yard line in possession of 1904.

The line-up was as follows:

1903.  1904.Percival, r.e.  l.e., Fisher, L. B. HarrisonBlaikie, r.t.  l.t., DavieHanavan, r.g.  l.g., JacksonLoring, c.  c., ScottCorbett, l.g.  r.g., SangerCudaby, l.t.  r.t., LloydStory, l.e.  r.e., E. S. HarrisonPier, q.b.  q.b., CarpenterBullivant, r.h.b.  r.h.b., BlagdenLocke, l.h.b.  l.h.b., CrugerSwitzer, f.b.  f.b., Robinson, Phillip
