
Appointments by the Corporation

At the last meeting, of the Corporation the following appointments were made for one year from September 1, 1902:

Instructors--In English, P. C. Hoyt, Ph.D., J. W. Tupper, Ph.D., E. H. Wells '97, P. G. Carleton '99. In international law, A. L. Richards 3L. In botany, J. M. Greenman '99.

Assistants--In English, C. F. C. Arensberg 2L., F. Aydelotte 1G., A. E. Ells 1G., R. T. Hale 1G., H. K. Stockton 1G., J. S. P. Tatlock 3G., R. P. Utter, A.B., S. H. E. Freund 3L., H. B. Stanton 3L. In history, A. H. Shearer 4G., H. H. Morse 2G. In German, P. G. A. Busse 1G. In government, F. G. Dorety 3L., J. P. Hill 3L., F. M. Roberts 3L., W. S. Heilborn 3L. In physics, S. B. Serviss 1G. In economics, C. Beardsley. In Chemistry, P. Wheeler 1G. In Gray Herbarium, J. M. Greenman '99. In music, H. L. Stone '01.

Austin Teaching Fellows--P. S. Smith '02 in Geology and W. C. Farabee in Anthropology.
