
Modern Language Conference.

At the Modern Language Conference, held last evening in the Assembly Room of the Union, Dr. Schofield spoke on "The Story of Horn and Rimenhild." Countless questions, he said, concerning the story and scene of action of Horn and Rimenhild, have been asked over and over again and still no satisfactory conclusions as regards these points have been drawn. In fact there is no definite theory of the origin and development of the story, and of the several extant volumes of the work only two are serviceable in showing the character of Horn. The scene of action especially is uncertain and even, now the two opposing views both find vigorous support. The Isle of Man, however, and the neighboring coast of Ireland seem to fill all the indications of Horn's home and tend to show that this is the real scene of action. However, this scene is greatly obscured from the fact that the author condenses; his story throughout. The names of persons also show great divergence and are thus of the utmost importance in a discussion. Now we turn to the story itself, which in a general character, resembles that of Thomas' "Tristram." In both we find the device of dreams employed, but in "Horn and Rimenhild," no marvels appear, and the story is strictly in accordance with what actually happened in Ireland at that time. This story became literature in Anglo Saxon, in metrical version, certainly before the Norman conquest, and is chiefly marked by simplicity of language and Germanic or Norse tone. In conclusion he brought forth the four most probable origins of the story and the fact that few illustrate better the popular transition of the times.
