
Last Fall Lacrosse Practice.

Fall lacrosse practice for this season will close this afternoon with a game between the candidates for this year's team and a team composed of graduate players. The match will take place on Holmes Field at 3.30 o'clock. The line-ups of the two teams will be as follows: CANDIDATES.  GRADUATES. Tomlinson, g.  g., McConaghy Tufts, p.  p., Chaffee Phillips, c.p.  c.p., Wynne Fisher, 1st d.  1st d., Cheney Edwards, 2d d.  2d d., Sever Kibbey, 3d d.  3d d., Hoguet Penhallow, c.  c., Taylor Bennett, 3d a.  3d a., Breed Adams, 2d a.  2d a., Sayler Blaxter 1st a.  1st a., Smith Michell, o.h.  o.h., Fenwick Smith, i.h.  i.h. Bourne
