
University Calendar.

*Open to the public. **Open to the University

Sunday, November 2.

Appleton Chapel, 7.30 p. m. Rev. Floyd W. Tomkins, D.D., of Philadelphia, Pa. Rev. Floyd W. Tomkins, D.D., will conduct morning prayers from November 3 to November 15. Dr. Tomkins may be found at Wadsworth House 1 daily from 9 till 11.

Monday, November 3.

Seminary of Economics. Report on Economics in Italy. Mr. D. H. Webster.--Reforms in Economic Teaching in the English Universities. Professor F. Y. Edgeworth, of Oxford. University 23, 4.30 p. m.

**Religious Union. Liberal Religion. Rev. Professor Fenn. Phillips Brooks House, 7.30 p. m.


Radcliffe College Scholarship Fund. Lecture. Wagner and the Bayreuth Festival (with musical and stereopticon illustrations). Mrs. Charles W. Rhodes, of Chicago. Sanders Theatre, 8 p. m. Tickets with reserved seats, at seventy-five cents each, for sale at Sever's bookstore. See the Notes for further description of this lecture.

*Lectures on Economics. VI. The Higher Theory of Statistics. Professor A. Y. Edgeworth. Sever 11, 8 p. m.

Tuesday, November 4.

Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 5, 4 p. m.

Geological Conference. Papers: Colonial Development. Professor R. T. Jackson.--The Amygdaloidal Basalt of Hough's Neck. Mr. La Forge. Geological Museum, Oxford street entrance, 8 p. m.

**Senior Wranglers. Debate. Assembly Room, Harvard Union, 8 p. m. Question: "Resolved, That the Dingley Tariff should be gradually reduced during a period of ten years to a tariff for revenue only." Principal Disputants--Affirmative: Hale's Camp--Negative: Hinckley's Camp.

Wednesday, November 5.

Mathematical Conference. Cubic Envelopes of a Certain System of Conics. Mr. E. A. Hook.--On the Hypothetical Character of Mathematical Reasoning. Dr. E. V. Huntington. Sever 24, 4.30 p. m.

Lecture. Edwin Booth, Sir Henry Irving, Mr. Beerbohm Tree, Mr. William Barrett, Mr. Sothern, Mr. Willard, M. Mounet-Sully, and Madame Sarah Bernhardt, in the Character of "Hamlet." Mr. Copeland. Sever 11, 8 p. m. The lecture will be followed by a reading of "Partridge at the Play," from "Tom Jones."

Thursday, November 6.

**Harvard Christian Association. Professor E. C. Moore. Phillips Brooks House, 7 p. m.

Friday, November 7.

*Divinity School. Devotional Service with Sermon. Mr. C. G. Ruess. Divinity Chapel, 7.30 p. m.

*Lectures on Economics. VII. Index Numbers. Professor F. Y. Edgeworth. Sever 11, 8 p. m.

Appleton Chapel--Sunday Evenings.

November 2 and 9. -- Rev. Floyd W. Tomkins, D.D., of Philadelphia, Pa.

Nov. 16.--Rev. President W. H. P. Faunce, of Providence, R. I.
