
The Cercle Francais Play.

The Cercle Francais play for this year is Corneille's five act comedy "Le Menteur." The play is to be given as usual shortly before the Christmas recess on dates not yet decided upon. There will be one performance in Cambridge and probably two performances in Boston. The material for this year is unusually promising and several Freshmen and Sophomores are trying for parts. This will assure good material for following years. The temporary cast is as follows: Geroute,  A. C. Champollion '03 Dorante,  F. B. Thompson 1L. Alcippe,  W. D. Haviland '03, L. F. Peck '04 Philiste,  H. J. Forman '03, N. O. Simard '06 Cliton,  K. Gibson '04, W. C. Titcomb '04 Clarice,  E. C. Edson '03, J. B. Stetson '06 Luerece,  G. Jones '05, S. Burton '03 Isabelle,  R. N. Baldwin '05, G. A. Gordon '06 Sabine,  H. Brandeis '04, M. Gutman '06 Lyeas,  P. B. Olney '03, H. N. Strauss '03.
