
Egyptian Exploration.

Dr. George A. Reisner '89, director of the Hearst Egyptian expedition, will give a public evening lecture during the week beginning October 12. The subject will be on his recent discoveries in Upper Egypt and the lecture will be illustrated by lantern slides. The place and hour will be announced later.

After graduating from College Dr. Reisner studied for three years in Cambridge and took his doctor's degree. He then spent a number of years in Germany and upon returning to America became instructor in the University for two years in Semitic and Egyptian languages. Five years ago he was appointed to a position in the National Museum in Cairo, Egypt, for two years. He then accepted the directorship of the Hearst Egyptian expedition of which he is now in charge. Although still a young man, Dr. Reisner is one of the most distinguished archaeologists of the present time and his lecture should be one of great interest.
