
Complimentary Football Tickets.

The following men will receive complimentary football season tickets by calling at office of the Athletic Association:

Abercrombie, Bird, Behr, Carr, Clarkson, Converse, Coolidge, W. Clark, Cutts, Skilton, McGrew, Derby, Otis, Burgess, Daly, Hovey, Jones, Lee, Marshall, Mifflin, Motley, Percival, Randolph, Roberts, Haigh, Fisher, R. P. Kernan, H. D. Kernan, Lightner, Tingley, Ayer, Brownell, J. D. Clark, Dodge, H. Hutchinson, King, Littig, Matthews, Mills, S. H. Noyes, Riggs, Sugden, F. Murphy, Piper, Randall, C. Robinson, Rust, Schick, Scheuber, Wendell, F. Foster, Ivy, E. Bowditch, Crocker, Graydon, Ives, H. Knowles, McKay, Meier, Morse, Putnam, Wright.
