
Tickets for Yale Game.

The rules governing the distribution of tickets for the Harvard-Yale football game on November 22 will be the same as those which were in force for the Pennsylvania game. The distribution of seats will be under the control of the special committee appointed by the Athletic Committee, consisting of F. W. Moore '93, R. B. Merriman '96, and Roger Ernst '03.

Applications will be received today and until not later than 6 p. m., Nov. 10, but no tickets will be sent out before November 17. The price of seats will be two dollars each. Applications from Harvard men will be filled first from the west side of the field next from the north end.

Application blanks may be obtained at Wright and Ditson's, in Boston; at the Union, Leavitt's, Amee's, and the Co-operative, in Cambridge. General regulations governing their use will be found on each blank.
