

Comes Today to Supervise Graded Crews for Three Weeks.

Perhaps the most important innovation in the rowing system, since the time of Mr. Lehmann, is marked today by the coming of Courtenay, the Cornell rowing coach, to watch the work of the graded crews, in preparation for a couple of weeks' coaching of two picked crews, after the graded crew races. The engagement of Courtenay is in a measure an experiment, but it is hoped also that he will aid materially in the development of prospective University crew material.

He will watch the work of the graded crews from the launch until the fall regatta. Immediately, after this, two crews will be picked, which will be under his direction until November 18, when another race may be held.

Courtenay has gained a high reputation among rowing men generally on account of his marked success in producing fast crews at Cornell. His strongest point, however seems to be not so much the coaching of individuals as the development of the crew as a whole.
