

Intercollegiate Meet Awarded to Yale Last Night.

NEW YORK, N. Y., Oct. 24.--The Executive Committee of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America decided tonight that the six points won by W. A. Schick '05 in the intercollegiate meet last spring should not count for Harvard. No details regarding the evidence or the reasons on which the decision was based were made public.

The loss of these points to Harvard gives the victory in the meet to Yale and the scores of the leading colleges now stand: Yale, 33; Harvard, 29; Princeton, 27. This credits Yale with five victories on the cup and leaves Harvard and Pennsylvania tied with four each. As the ownership of the trophy is to be decided by the track meet next spring, if either Harvard or Pennsylvania wins the award will be a tie. The way Schick's disqualification has changed the score is as follows: In the 100 yards dash, Moulton (Y.) moves from fourth to third place; in the 220 yards dash Moulton (Y.) and Haigh (H) advance into second and third places, respectively, while Hargrave (Y.), who finished fifth, goes into fourth place. Thus 3 points are added to Yale's score, and 6 points are subtracted from Harvard's and 1 added again. A summary of the number of first, second, third and fourth places won by each college is consequently as follows:   1st  2d  3d  4th Yale,  1  5 1-3  4 1-3  3 1-3 Harvard,  3  1  4  3
