
Weld and Newell Rowing.

The fall rowing has now been going on for three weeks and henceforth there will be few changes in the orders before the races. More crews, both upperclass and Freshman, are out than ever before in the autumn, and the new system of races in heats will make the results more valuable than in previous years.

At the Newell four graded upperclass crews are rowing. The first crew, though powerful, is still rough and lacks snap. The three lower crews, on the other hand have more life, but fail to get a good leg drive. All the crews hang at the catch, a fault which has lately seemed worse at the Newell than at the Weld. The Newell Freshmen have been finally organized and no more changes will be made unless absolutely necessary. On the first crew, a powerful leg drive has been attained, but at the expense of clipping and rushing. The lower crews are mostly inexperienced and light. Nevertheless all the Freshman crews are doing as well as might be expected for this time of the year.

Work at the Weld has not progressed as well as at the other club. The orders of the upperclass crews have been frequently changed, and smoothness is therefore lacking. The Weld Freshmen are at present in very poor shape. Not only are the men mostly small and inexperienced, but they seem to lack desire to improve. In consequence, it has been impossible to grade them finally. The second Freshmen have damaged their shell in a collision with a bridge, and are now using a barge.

The orders of the crews yesterday at both clubs were as follows:

First Newell -- Stroke, Brigham; 7, Swaim; 6, Foster; 5, Haycock; 4, Tew; 3, Locke; 2, Phillips; bow, James.


Second Newell -- Stroke, Webster; 7, Peabody; 6, Lamson; 5, Beebe; 4, Palmer; 3, Stockton; 2, Durfee; bow, Hull.

Third Newell -- Stroke, Stevens; 7, Bard; 6, James; 5, White; 4, Perkins; 3, Otis; 2, Coleman; bow, Bryant.

Fourth Newell--Stroke, Calloway; 7, Olney; 6, Wemple; 5, Beebe; 4, Gale; 3, Nutting; 2, Whittemore; bow, Nash.

First Newell Freshmen -- Stroke, Chandler; 7, Flint; 6, Sabine; 5, Kellog; 4, Switzer; 3, Cabot; 2, Shepard; bow, Zanetti.

Second Newell Freshmen -- Stroke, Miller; 7, Macgruder; 6, Amory; 5, Barrows; 4, Gilbert; 3, Rowley; 2, Whitney; bow, Withington.

Third Newell Freshmen -- Stroke, Hobart; 7, Storms; 6, Wilber; 5, Head; 4, Lounsbery; 3, Morarity; 2, Read; bow, Smither.

First Weld -- Stroke, Richmond; 7, George; 6, Brooks; 5, Lloyd; 4, Hanford; 3, Lindsley; 2, Jackson; bow, Maltby.

Second Weld -- Stroke, de Rham; 7, Johnson; 6, Deming; 5, Abbott; 4, Hawes; 3, Derby; 2, May; bow, Sawyer.

First Weld Freshmen--Stroke, Soule; 7, Burchard; 6, Shepadr; 5, Holland; 4, MacIntyre; 3, Corlett; 2, Gibson; bow, Pleasandon.

Second Weld Freshmen -- Stroke, Moses; 7, Judd; 6, Warren; 5, Woodbridge; 4, Beach; 3, Plumb; 2, Merrill; bow, Theiriot.

Third Weld Freshmen--Stroke, Dougherty; 7, Yule; 6, Field; 5, Noyes; 4, Burnett; 3, Sueidtker; 2, Boggs; bow, Boothe.
