
Penn. Game Tickets.

Applications for Pennsylvania game tickets will be received not earlier than October 21 and not later than 6 p. m., October 28; but no tickets will be sent out before November 3. Persons wishing to sit together may enclose their applications together for not more than ten seats, provided the applications are in the same group and sub-group. The price of seats will be $2.00 each.

Tickets will be distributed as follows:

Group One - Applications for one seat only will be filled in the following order: 1. H.A.A. ticket holders (This will be the free ticket to which each H.A.A. ticket holder is entitled.) 2. Undergraduates and officers of the University. (Season ticket holders will be given preference.) 3. Graduates. (Season ticket holders will be given preference).

Note. Applicants in this class will be given the choice of seats in the above order of precedence. These tickets are not transferable and must be presented by the applicant himself. No ladies will be allowed in these seats.

Group Two - Officers of the University who wish more than one seat for the use of their families only, may apply in this group, provided they have not already applied in Group One. The number of seats will be determined by the Committee on Distribution.


Group Three - Applications for two seats each will be filled in the following order, provided the applicant has not already applied under Group 1 or 2. 1. H.A.A. ticket holders. (One of these tickets will be the free ticket to which each H.A.A. ticket holder is entitled. The other must be paid for. These two will be allotted together. 2. Undergraduates. (Season ticket holders will be given preference.) 3. Graduates. (Season ticket holders will be given preference. 4. Season ticket holders who are not graduates or members of the University.

Group Four - Graduates and undergraduates may apply for three or four seats, provided they have not already applied under Group 1, 2, or 3. These applications will be considered by the Committee on Distribution and filled from such seats as remain in the same order as applications in Group 3.

General regulations governing the use of application blanks will be found on each blank. Applications may be obtained at Wright & Ditson's in Boston; at the Union, Leavitt's, Amme's, and at the Co-operative in Cambridge.

Applications from Harvard men will be filled first from the south side of the field. The centre sections on the north side of the field will be reserved for Pennsylvania men. The management cannot answer communications requesting a change in seats after allotment. There will be no carriage stands and no standing room, and bicycles will not be allowed within the gates.

Address all communications for seats and all communications in regard to the Pennsylvania game to Hugh Blythe, Graduate Manager, Cambridge, Mass.
