
Football at Yale.

The past week has shown no material development in the Yale team. The weak points which were brought vividly to light by the Brown game of a week ago Saturday are still much in evidence. The chief fault to be criticised is the one that has existed throughout the season, slowness both in the line and back of it. The forwards are strong and heavy but play in a lifeless way and the strenuous efforts of the coaches during the week to correct this fault have met with only partial success. The backs start slowly, depending almost entirely on the ability of the line-men to open up big holes for them. In interference the team shows good possibilities. The guards have been very prominent in this work. More fumbling marked the work of the backs than has previously been the case. Defensively the practice of the team has been of an encouraging nature, although the Vermont game of Wednesday furnished no real test. The failure of Vermont to gain at any time during the game was undoubtedly due as much to their won weakness as to any particular strength on the Yale side. Kicks have been fumbled too frequently, and the guards and tackles have rather supplemented the ends in the work of getting down under punts.

Neal, the leading candidate for left end, is still troubled with an injured knee, and has not played since the Wesleyan game. Of the other candidates for end, G. Ward and Moorhead have shown some improvement during the past week. At left tackle Shevlia has been given the preference over Hamlin. the former is promising but has still a great deal to learn. Rockwell has been given a trial at quarterback, and while imparting considerable speed and life to the team is very erratic in his handling of the ball. VanderPoel. last year's substitute fullback, is doing well at right halfback, as is also S. Ward. Both are valuable because of their kicking ability. Of the candidates for fullback Bowman is still on the hospital list and Farmer appears at present the leading candidate for the position.

On Saturday the team played Penn. State and only by the hardest kind of football were they able to score twice. The defense was strong, but on the offense slowness and fumbling prevented consistent scoring.
