

Rules to Govern the Allotment for the Yale and Pennsylvania Games.

The following is a plan for the distribution of seats for the Harvard-Pennsylvania and the Harvard-Yale games, prepared at a meeting of the graduate managers. This plan has been approved by the Athletic Committee.

The distribution of seats will be under the control of the following committee of three members, appointed by the Athletic Committee: F. W. Moore '93, R. B. Merriman '96 and Roger Ernst '03.

Applications will be filled in the following order:

First Group. -- Applications for two seats each from the players and substitutes of the First Eleven. Applications for not more than five seats each from such coaches as the head-coach shall designate, not exceeding ten men, the head-coach, captain, manager and a few unclassified specials.

Second Group.--Applications for one seat only will be filled in the following order:


H. A. A. ticket holders.--(At the Penn. game this will be the free seat to which each H. A. A. ticket holder is entitled; but at the Yale game this ticket must be paid for.)

Undergraduates and officers of the University.--(Season ticket holders will be given preference.)

Graduates. -- (Season ticket holders will be given preference.

Note: Applications in this group will be given first choice of seats in the above order of precedence. These tickets are not transferable and must be presented by the applicant himself. No ladies will be allowed in these seats.

Third Group.--Members of the squad, coaches, officers of the University and unclassified specials may apply for a limited number of tickets, the number to be determined by the Committee on Distribution.

Note: Men who applied for seats under the first group will be allowed to apply for a few more seats under this group should they need them. Each application will be passed upon by the committee on distribution and decided on its merits.

Fourth Group.--The following may apply for two seats each, provided they have not already applied under the first, second or third groups.

H. A. A. ticket holders.--(At the Penn. game one of these will be the free ticket to which each H. A. A. ticket holder is entitled; but at the Yale game both must be paid for.)

Undergraduates. (Season ticket holders will be given preference.)

Graduates. (Season ticket holders will be given preference.)

Season ticket holders who are not graduates or members of the University.

Fifth Group.--Graduates and undergraduates may apply for three or four seats provided they have not already applied under groups 1, 2, 3 or 4. These applications will be considered by the Committee on Distribution and filled from such seats as remain in the same order as applications in the fourth group.

Tickets will be distributed by lot to the above groups and sub-groups in the order named, with the necessity that the desirability of the seats will decrease directly as the number ordered is increased; that is, a man who applies for one seat only will be assured of getting one of the best seats on the field, while a man who applies for four seats will probably receive poorer ones, provided any seats remain.

Graduates and undergraduates wishing to sit together may hand in their applications together provided their applications are all in the same group. These requests will be passed upon by the Committee on Distribution and allowed or rejected at their discretion.
