The Bible study courses offered by the Christian Association and the St. Paul's Society for 1902-03 are as follows:
I. Freshman Course--The Life of Christ. Leaders: S. A. Greeley '03, R. S. Wallance '04, K. C. MacArthur '05, W. Bradley '05, and others to be announced.
II. Sophomore Course--Studies in the Acts and Epistles. Leaders: A. B. Parson '03, W. R. Bowie '04.
III. Junior Course--Old Testament Characters. Leaders: W. W. Baker '98.
IV. Senior Course--Teachings of Jesus and His Disciples. Leader: G. E. Huggins '01.
V. Sunday Noon Class--Parables of Jesus. Leader: O. G. Frantz '03.
VI. Graduate School Class--Weekly subjects to be announced. Leader: D. Drake '00.
Two courses for the Law School and one for the Medical School are also offered. For information see T. W. Swan 3L., O. F. Cutts 3L., W. P. Hager 3M., J. C. Rowlely 1M.
First meetings will be held during the week of October 20. Enrollment cards can be secured in the Randall Rooms, Brooks House, and should be handed in before October 19. The list of Bible readings, which will be distributed tomorrow, has been prepared by Dr. Henry Van Dyke.
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