
The Monthly.

The fiction of the current number of the Monthly is distinctly less interesting and less original than the three or four contributions of a more serious nature. Of the latter, an analysis, by Ernest Bernbaum, of the novels of George Gissing, a witer on middle-class London life, strikes one as peculiarly well handled; for it succeeds from the first in stimulating one's curiosity in regard to a contemporary author not widely known.

An article which deserves special mention for its delicate and sympathetic treatment is "The Children's Room," by V. V. M. Beede. The whole sketch is done with a fidelity to detail and a genuineness of feeling that brings back to the reader many pleasant, half-forgotten memories.

The most noteworthy verse in the number is a ballad, "The Jest of God," by H. W. Holmes '03. Its movement and poetry are exceptionally well sustained throughout. A misplaced line unfortunately mars the effect in two of the stanzas.

An article by R. M. Green I.M., on "Dear Old Times," an interesting analysis of the things which make college life beautiful to remember, seems to take the place of any long editorial in the number.
