
Intercollegiate Athletics.

The Atlantic Monthly for October contains an article of more than passing interest on "Intercollegiate Athletics" by Professor Ira N. Hollis. The subject is treated broadly; the author not only discusses the restrictions and limitations which have been adopted to better the spirit of college sports, but also inquires into the conditions of American society which have developed the sports of today, and later questions the right of college athletics to the estimation in which they are held. The subject of eligibility is treated in an impassionate and judicial manner which comes as a distinct relief after so much which has savored of recrimination. Moreover, an example here and there of the ways in which the spirit of good sport is infringed gives a better comprehension of the points which athletic committees are forced to settle. To those who have already an quaintance with these principles, the chief interest of the article is likely to centre in the discussion of the claims which are made in support of our sports, specifically and collectively, and in the remarks upon athletic management. Professor Hollis boldly challenges the validity of arguments which are commonly accepted as of force; and though he concludes that the evidence upon the whole favors intercollegiate sports, he succeeds in shaking the reader's faith in much which may have been unquestioned. In fact to those who do not require good reasons for what they approve his treatment may seem a little rude. It is the kind of article which sets one thinking.


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