
Fact and Rumor.

The Pierian Orchestra and Chorus will give a joint concert with the Dartmouth Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Club in Symphony Hall, Boston, on April 25.

A new insulated stereopticon, costing $1,000, has just been placed in the Architectural Building. It will be used for illustrating lectures.

At a meeting of Gymnasium directors from the larger colleges held at Columbia during the vacation, Dr. D. A. Sargent was elected a member of the council.

At the Pierian trials last night S. A. Sicher '04 and E. W. Taylor '04, violins, were retained for the orchestra, and W. A. Phillips '05, first bass, for the chorus. Another trial will be announced shortly.

Mr. Thomas W. Ward of New York, will address the Religious Union next Saturday evening in Brooks House. His subject will be, "Suggestions Towards Obtaining a Realizing Sense or Idea of God."


Mr. D. I. Bushnell has recently given the Peabody Museum an Eskimo kayak with a complete fishing outfit, including a float, a seal hook, and a walrus harpoon. He has also presented the museum with a collection of Indian potery from South Eastern Missouri and Arkansas.
