
"Outing" All-America Eleven.

In the January "Outing" Caspar Whitney selects the All-America football team for 1901 as follows: Graydon of Harvard, fullback; Kernan of Harvard, and Morley (captain) of Columbia, halfbacks; Daly of West Point, quarterback; Bowditch of Har ard, and Snow of Michigan, ends; Cutts of Harvard, and Blagden of Harvard, tackles; Barnard of Harvard, and Hunt of Cornell, guards; Bachman of Lafayette, centre. Substitutes: Cure of Lafayette, fullback; Chadwick of Yale, and Larson of Wisconsin, halfbacks; Brewster of Cornell, quarterback; Campbell of Harvard, and Davis of Princeton, ends; Bunker of West Point, and Curtis of Wisconsin, tackles; Lee of Harvard, and Mills of Princeton, guards; Holt of Yale, centre.

The principal college teams are ranked in the following order: Harvard, Yale, Michigan, Wisconsin, West Point, Princeton, Cornell, Lafayette, Annapolis, Syracuse, Columbia, Pennsylvania. Eight other teams, mostly from western colleges, are mentioned in the list.

Mr. Whitney says in discussing the various teams: "In the matter of football ranking for the season of 1901, Harvard has earned the distinction attained in 1900 by Yale, of being in a class by herself. In fact the Yale eleven of 1900 and the Harvard eleven of 1901 are the most powerful teams to have been developed by the modern style of American Rugby."
