
The Yale Crews.

The Yale crew candidates have now been working for over a week, on the machines and in the tank and have shown considerable improvement. On Wednesday the University squad was picked from the class crews and was divided into a first and second eight. The men chosen are as follows: First crew--8, Adams; 7, Stubbs; 6, Judson; 5, Weymouth; 4, Scott; 3, Auchincloss; 2, Sargent; 1, Lincoln. Second crew--8, Bogue; 7, Laws; 6, Kunzig; 5, Johnson; 4, Ackley; 3, Hewitt; 2, Strong; 1, Waterman.

There are fifty-one candidates out for the freshman crew. The squad has been divided into six crews and is given light work in the gymnasium and on the machines every day. The first freshman crew has been picked as follows: 8, Blagden; 7, Meier; 6, Minturn and Fish; 5, Barnum; 4, Lathrop; 3, Dewey; 2, Schultz; 1, Baldwin.

Yale has definitely decided not to enter a crew in the proposed five-cornered race to be held at Annapolis May 10. A challenge, however, has been sent to Annapolis for a race with the Yale second crew on the same date.
