The price of board at Memorial during the term ending January 29 averaged $4 a week.
The annual championship meet of the Intercollegiate Gymnastic Association will be held at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia on March 21. The championship was won by Yale last year.
Bostock's Animal Show has presented the University Museum with the bodies of several animals. The list includes an Indian zebu, a deer from China, an African ape, a cassowary from New Zealand and some snakes.
Miss A. Q. F. Parsons of Roxbury has recently given the University Library two very interesting old water color paintings representing the Common and the adjoining College buildings as they appeared in 1810. They will be hung in the delivery room.
At the last meeting of the Pierian Sodality, the following men were elected members: Orchestra--J. F. Berry 1L., F. F. Zelle '02, W. M. Eby '02, W. M. Hanchett '04, W. H. Thompson '04, S. Wilder '05, P. D. Howard '05. Chorus--C. A. Ruggles 2L., E. S. Bacon 1L., W. C. Stephenson '02, H. M. Boylston '03, S. A. Storer '03, W. B. Wales '05.
Four sets of eight-oared sweeps are being built for the Newell and Weld boat clubs, by J. F. Donahue, who made the oars for the University crew last year. An eight-oared shell for the Weld boat club, and a light pair oar for the University boat club are being made by H. W. Davy of Cambridge. The old boats this winter have been repaired and have had new covers put on them. Although the equipment now on hand is not sufficient for the needs of the men, this defect will be remedied before rowing begins.
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