
Sophomores Debate Brown Tonight.

A team from the Sophomore class will debate a team from the sophomore and freshman classes of Brown university in Sayles Memorial Hall, Providence, this evening at 8 o'clock, on the question: "Resolved, That the present policy of the British government in regard to the war in South Africa should receive the full support of the Parliament and people of England." The Harvard team, which will support the negative, is composed of D. A. McCabe, E. W. Baker, J. N. Johnson, and W. Badt alternate. The Brown team is composed of Messrs. Boone '04, Martin '04, Hawkins '05, and Meader '05 alternate, all of whom are experienced debaters.

Rev. Dr. Lord '83 of Providence, will preside, and the judges will be Chief Justice Stiness of the Rhode Island Supreme Court, Mr. R. G. Hulling, principal of the Cambridge English High School, and Mr. James H. Martin of Providence.
