The Senior hockey team won its second victory from the Juniors yesterday afternoon by the score of 1 to 0. The game was the most interesting of any played so far in the interclass series and was exciting throughout. The Juniors showed better team play and did some creditable work individually, but in general efficiency and speed the Seniors were superior. The softness of the ice prevented any great degree of accuracy. At the start the play was very even but toward the end of the first half the puck was forced well into the Juniors' territory and in the scrimmage that followed, Metcalf shot the goal. Chaffee and Noyes for the Seniors and Ward and Stillman for the Juniors were very effective.
The line-up: Goal--Metcalf. Time--15 minute halves. Unless the weather prevents, the Sophomore and Freshman hockey teams will meet on the Jarvis Field rink this morning at 9 o'clock to decide the tie which the two teams played last Monday. The line-up will be:
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