
Rifle and Pistol Matches.

Five matches have now been shot in the series of handicap rifle, pistol and revolver matches which have been carried on by the Rifle and Pistol Club since the recess. The winners and their scores follow: Rifle matches--J. H. Shirk '02, 73, 81; G. C. Dolley, '04, 75; P. Bancroft '03, 76, 83. Revolver matches--H. St. Gaudens '03, 59, 58, 56; M. A. Edwards '04, 60; J. H. Shirk '02, 60. Pistol matches--L. W. Wright 1L., 93; M. A. Edwards '04, 93; J. H. Shirk '02, 91; P. Bancroft '03, 93, 97.
