
Standing of Checker Team.

The checker team last night was defeated by the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. team, by a score of 6 1-2 to 5 1-2. Last week the team defeated the Chelsea checker team, so that it has won one game and lost one in the series which is being played.

The league has recently elected the following officers: President, E. W. Merritt '04; vice-president, E. A. Thompson of the Cambridge Y. M. C. A.; secretary and treasurer, C. A. Bowers of the Boston Y. M. C. A. M. T. Thompson '03 and L. Roger 1L. are the representatives of the Harvard club on the executive committee.

The team will play no more matches until after the mid-years. The following men are playing in the matches: M. J. Kling 1L., G. B. Dabney '02, E. Field '04, E. W. Merritt '04, S. L. Beals 1L. and C. M. Flagg '05.
