
M. Mabilleau's Lecture.

M. Leopold Mabilleau, the French lecturer who will speak at Harvard in February, is expected to arrive in Boston from France tomorrow on "La Savoie." He will commence his course of lectures in Boston at once, making his first address on Monday before the Alliance Francaise in the Rogers Building, 491 Boylston street; and in the latter part of February in Cambridge. All his lectures at Harvard will be on the general topic "La prevoyance sociale on France," and will be given as follows:

Feb. 17.--"Tableau des institutions de prevoyance sociale on France d'apres Pexposition de 1900.

Feb. 19.--"Le Secours mutuel on France."

Feb. 21.--"Le probleme des retraites ouvrieres devant le Parlement et l'opinion."

Feb. 24.--"La cooperation on France."


M. Mabilleau is a leading authority on present-day social questions and has written a number of valuable books on these subjects. During his stay in this country which will extend over a period of two or three months, he will address a large number of educational institutions and will make an extensive study of economic conditions for the French government. He will also try to find a suitable site for the proposed French Industrial College.
