"James Russell Lowell: A Biography," by Horace E. Scudder, is the latest and most complete of the biographies of Mr. Lowell. It is written with a just appreciation of his life from the various points of view of author, editor, professor and diplomatic ambassador. Recognizing the excellence of Professor Norton's "Letters of James Russell Lowell," the author, as he says in his preface, has deemed it advisable "not so much to supplement the 'Letters' with other letters, as to complement those volumes with a more formal biography." Keeping this aim in view, the author has quoted from letters only as they throw light on his subject, and does not use them as the foundation of his work. Thus though we find numerous quotations, we read a connected narrative instead of a printed correspondence.
A valuable appendix gives Mr. Lowell's ancestry, a complete chronological list of his works and an account of the unveiling of the Lowell Memorial in West-minister Abbey.
"James Russell Lowell: A Biography." By Horace E. Seudder. Houghton, Mifflin and Company.
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