
Hockey Team Plays Columbia.

The second game of the intercollegiate hockey series will be played between Harvard and Columbia tonight at 8 o'clock at the St. Nicholas rink, New York.

This will be Harvard's first important contest. The team has now been practising almost constantly for over a month and is in much better condition than it was at this time last year. The team work as it appeared in the practice yesterday is admirable, and from a consideration of the strong individual players of which the team is composed, Harvard's chances of success seem extremely good. The place of Goodridge, who will not play tonight, owing to a protest from Columbia, will be filled by Lovering, a hard, aggressive, but inexperienced player. Owing to this change in the line-up, the three regular forwards have been obliged to shift their positions, thus temporarily decreasing the general efficiency of the team, but not forming a serious obstacle to its future development. Columbia has an excellent team and a close game is expected.

The line-up will probably be: HARVARD.  COLUMBIA. Pruyn, f.  f., Akin. Winsor, f.  f., Wolff. Rumsey, f.  f., W. Duden. Lovering, f.  f., McKee. Penhallow, c.p.  c.p., H. Duden. Carr, p.  p., Brown, Benedict. Manning, g.  g., Stern.
