
Golf Club Plans.

The Harvard Golf Club has secured an option on eighty-five acres of land at Waltham, expiring March 1, 1902. The property has a house and barn on it, and may be reached in thirty-five minutes by electric cars from Harvard Square. The ground, though stony, is open and rolling, with no trees of any size on it. The turf is admirably suited to golf, the land being high and consequently very dry.

At a meeting of the Land Committee of the club, it was decided to purchase this land if possible the title and final control to be vested in a board of three trustees: Mr. Stoughton Bell '96, Mr. Laurence Curtis '70, and Professor I. N. Hollis.

The actual management of the club is to be in the hands of officers elected by active members. Should the club for any reason become dissolved, the property is to be passed over by the trustees to Harvard College.

It is proposed to raise twenty thousand dollars by subscription among Harvard graduates in order to pay for the land and construction of the new course.

An estimate of the expenses is as follows: Land, $15,000; putting land in condition, $2,500; first year's running expenses, $2,250; total expenses, $20,000.
