
"Freshman English."


The impression first and last left by "Freshman English and Theme Correcting," is one of simple adaptability to the ends for which the book is designed. The aim throughout is to explain, without needless formality, the difficulties met by instructors in English A, and the methods used to obviate them. In the introductory chapter, the nature and mechanics of the course are briefly described. Common faults and their treatment are then taken up, with well-chosen examples for reference. Here the freedom of the book from the usual wearisome repetition of rules and stock sentences is particularly noticeable.

The extracts from themes have not only an interest of originality, but they serve better than a concocted model to express the point at issue. This freedom, this off-hand manner, is the book's greatest charm, and one that will attract even the casual reader. As a guide for teachers no work could be more desirable; for it strives to suggest rather than to urge the system it describes. A wide use of this book in preparatory schools ought to result shortly in a much higher standard of writing among Freshmen in general and among those who anticipate English A, in particular.

"Freshman English and Theme Correcting in Harvard College." By C. T. Copeland '82 and H. M. Rideout '99. Silver, Burdett & Co.
